As you are well aware, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is creating anxiety and concern in our communities. In the interest of the health and safety of students, a number of San Bernardino County school districts made the decision to close school today, in efforts to minimize the impact of the virus on students and families.

As you know, district and school closures impact the operation of county operated programs and have implications for employees reporting to work. In order to provide our employees with current and accurate information regarding duty status and leave provisions, the following procedures, which align with the Governor’s Executive Order N-26-20, apply:

  1. When an employee is directed to leave the site or not report to the site by an authorized administrator, then it is determined to be leave with pay. This would include school closures directed by the County Superintendent or his designee, or school closures directed by school districts.
  2. All SBCSS administrative sites will remain open, regardless of school district closures. All staff that work at SBCSS administrative sites are to report to work.
  3. Regardless of worksite, all certificated management/administrators and classified management employees are to report to work.
  4. SBCSS certificated and classified employees that provide services at a school district site that is closed DO NOT report to work during the district closure beginning March 16.
  5. Certificated and classified non-management employees that provide services in school districts that are not closing and continuing to serve students, are to report for regular duty assignment on March 16. These include: Baker Valley, Needles, Trona Jt. and Juvenile Hall.
  6. Certificated and classified non-management employees at SBCSS stand-alone school sites and state preschools DO NOT report to work beginning March 16 until further notice.

Should you have any questions, please contact Human Resources: 909-386-9584 (classified); 909-386-9575 (certificated).