MysEmpDec19aWhat do people call you (i.e. nicknames)? Disc.

What do you like to do away from work (i.e. hobbies)? Working out, kayaking, hiking, going to beach, traveling, camping, zip-lining, playing volleyball and softball, bike-riding, taking drives and spending time with my grandkids.

What is your most memorable moment in your life to date? Vactioning in Maui.

Who do you most admire? My mother.

What teacher made the greatest impact on your life and why? My band teacher made the most impact in my life. He instilled in me that I can play many instruments. I was in high school band for four years and played in the jazz band, concert band, stage band, marching band and served as the assistant drum major. I had an opportunity to play percussion, saxophone, trombone, flute, trumpet and harmonica.

What is the most unique job you’ve held (outside SBCSS)? Worked at a fish & chips restaurant and U-haul center as a young kid.

How long have you worked for SBCSS? 2 years.

What is the most unusual part of your job at SBCSS? Collaborating with many countywide stakeholders.

How does your job connect to students? I provide ongoing training for students.

Employee Connection will award a gift certificate to one employee randomly selected from all correct guesses. For the most recent contest, there were seven correct guesses of Lisa Torres of the Alliance for Education at the Roy C Hill Education Center. The winner of the drawing for the gift card is Farrah Northcott of Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention.