DaveReckphotoRevName: Dave Reck.

Location: Brier Building.

Number of years with County Schools: 23 years.

Describe your position and the work that takes place in your office: Director of Business Support Services; the BSS staff supports SBCSS by providing facility planning and construction; maintenance, operations and transportation; and purchasing/contracts services.

How does your work support county students: Provide and maintain schools and classrooms; transport special education students to and from school; purchase and contract for all the supplies and services that are needed to operate a school and classrooms.

ReckMilPhoto1Talk about your years in public service: I enlisted in the United States Air Force on May 26, 1966. Following basic training, my pay as an E-2 was a whole $100 per month, plus another $132.30 per month for rent and food. Later as an officer, I served as a Titan II Missile Combat Crew Commander where I spent countless hours waiting to push the button; maintenance officer for both the Titan II and Minuteman III weapon systems; staff officer at Strategic Air Command Headquarters followed by executive to the chief of staff; five years on the Air Staff at the Pentagon; my Air Force career culminated with four years at the Ballistic Missile Office at Norton Air Force Base.

Two weeks before formally retiring from the Air Force, I began a transition program with the Riverside County Office of Education that was designed to ease the transition from aerospace to school business. The program included a short internship with the San Bernardino City School District after which I began my encore career at San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.

I have been blessed with two great careers. The opportunity to meet the challenges of both has been extremely satisfying, particularly the opportunity to work the corridors of power in Washington, D.C., and to plan and construct schools for SBCSS students.